Audiobook Download
You can download the audio version of "Chasing the Green Sun" from this page. Two formats are available. Please choose the one most appropriate for your situation as detailed below.
If you have a digital talking book player such as a Victor Reader Stream, Plextalk Pocket, or a player from the Library of Congress, you want the Daisy version, which provides enhanced navigation through the book. This version has markers allowing direct access to the dedication, contents, acknowledgments, introduction, the twelve major sections of the book, About the Moons, About the Author, and Audiences at level one. Individual selections within each major section are accessible at level two. Refer to the operating instructions for your digital talking book player for information about how to navigate through a book, and how to change the navigation level.
If you want to play the book on an MP3 player such as an iPod, an MP3 player program on your computer, or a CD or DVD player which supports MP3 CDs, you want the MP3 version. This version has each major section of the book in a separate file, allowing quick navigation between sections.
Please choose your desired version using the links below.